Introducing the Pastel Harmony bouquet, a delightful blend of pink carnations and lavender hydrangeas. This enchanting arrangement brings together the charm of pink and soothing lavender, creating a bouquet that exudes grace and elegance. Pink carnations symbolize admiration and love, while lavender hydrangeas represent grace and beauty. Together, they create a harmonious and visually stunning display, perfect for any special occasion. Expertly crafted and beautifully wrapped, the Pastel Harmony bouquet is a thoughtful gift that will captivate and delight.
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Pastel Harmony
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carnation pink - 11 pcs design packaging - 3 pcs lavender hydrangea - 3 pcs
- Width - 36 cm
- Height - 45 cm
Introducing the Pastel Harmony bouquet, a delightful blend of pink carnations and lavender hydrangeas. This enchanting arrangement brings together the charm of pink and soothing lavender, creating a bouquet that exudes grace and elegance. Pink carnations symbolize admiration and love, while lavender hydrangeas represent grace and beauty. Together, they create a harmonious and visually stunning display, perfect for any special occasion. Expertly crafted and beautifully wrapped, the Pastel Harmony bouquet is a thoughtful gift that will captivate and delight.
Reviews_2 and reviews
December 2024
December 2024
Красивый свежий букет. Доставили вовремя. Спасибо!
December 2024
December 2024