nf/out_of_stock_item/main_page_linkIntroducing our captivating "Crazy in Love" bouquet - a stunning combination of bright and cheerful gerberas, delicate pink and white roses, fragrant wax flowers, elegant carnations, and beautiful chrysanthemum santini. This bouquet is the perfect way to express your love and admiration for someone special. Our expert florists carefully select each stem and artfully arrange them to create a unique and stunning bouquet that will leave a lasting impression. The bright and cheerful gerberas symbolize happiness and joy, while the delicate pink and white roses and elegant carnations add a touch of elegance and refinement. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just want to show someone you care, the "Crazy in Love" bouquet is the perfect choice. Order now and let us help you create a moment of natural beauty that will be cherished forever!
Crazy in Love
- 3 mans_2-4 added_product_to_collections
Gerbera - 1 pcs Pink rose - 1 pcs White rose - 2 pcs Wax flower - 2 pcs carnations - 3 pcs packaging - 1 pcs chrysanthemum santini - 1 pcs
Introducing our captivating "Crazy in Love" bouquet - a stunning combination of bright and cheerful gerberas, delicate pink and white roses, fragrant wax flowers, elegant carnations, and beautiful chrysanthemum santini. This bouquet is the perfect way to express your love and admiration for someone special. Our expert florists carefully select each stem and artfully arrange them to create a unique and stunning bouquet that will leave a lasting impression. The bright and cheerful gerberas symbolize happiness and joy, while the delicate pink and white roses and elegant carnations add a touch of elegance and refinement. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just want to show someone you care, the "Crazy in Love" bouquet is the perfect choice. Order now and let us help you create a moment of natural beauty that will be cherished forever!
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Caterine Doan Tran
October 2024
Магазин не отвечал на сообщения в чате, не прислал предварительно фото перед заказом, согласовали с получателем одно время доставки, а привёзли в другое. Букет нормальный, но тоже не до конца соответствует фото при заказе
October 2024
October 2024
October 2024
October 2024