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Darya from Flowwow

Mother's Day Gift Ideas to Make Your Mum Feel Special

16 February 122
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Mothers day gift ideas uk

Mother's Day stands as a sincere tribute, devoted to acknowledging the remarkable women who have deeply shaped our existence with their boundless love and invaluable wisdom. Whether expressed through thoughtful actions, intentional presents, or simply sharing cherished moments, this occasion serves as a poignant reminder to recognise the exceptional women who occupy a unique space in the depths of our hearts. In today’s article, we unveil a selection of great Mother’s Day gift ideas guaranteed to evoke happiness and delight for the mothers we treasure. Whether cheap or luxurious, simple or elaborate, these presents will assist you in creating a uniquely memorable celebration for this special occasion.

When is Mother's Day in 2024

When is Mother's Day in 2024

The celebration of Mother's Day varies across the world: for example, in the USA, Canada, and Australia it is observed on the second Sunday of May (with the occasion falling on May 12 in 2024), while in Argentina, the celebration takes place on the third Sunday of October (in 2024, it will be honoured on October 20).

With roots tracing back to the tradition of Mothering Sunday, Mother's Day in the UK is usually marked on the fourth Sunday of Lent: in 2024, it falls on March 10.

Mother’s Day gift ideas in the UK

Mothers day gift ideas

Good and cheap Mother’s Day gift ideas

Demonstrating affection and care doesn't hinge on extravagant or grand gestures; sometimes, all that's needed is something sincere and simple. Cheap Mother's Day gift ideas encompass modest gestures and considerate endeavours that possess a remarkable ability to hold immense significance, expressing profound love in distinctive ways.

For example, you can create a budget-friendly bonding experience by putting together a quaint picnic featuring your mother's favourite snacks or orchestrating an intimate tea party with delightful cheap treats. Another affordable gift option is a potted plant: not only does it bring a touch of nature to the living space, but it also provides the fulfilling hobby of plant care. Furthermore, you can explore additional alternatives to enhance the ambience and promote calm and relaxation, like scented candles or reasonably priced essential oil diffusers. A cheap yet heartfelt present option lies in the beauty of flowers: whether it's a single graceful rose or a burst of colours in a lively bouquet, this considerate token is guaranteed to brighten your mother's day without putting a strain on your wallet.

Unique Mother’s Day gift ideas

Transform your celebration with gifts that mirror the unparalleled love and strength your mother embodies. Among original Mother's Day gift ideas that surpass the commonplace are florist's specials: sophisticated, harmonious bouquets of flowers crafted especially for your mum. Additionally, consider elevating the ambience of her space with exclusive art pieces, be it paintings that resonate with her soul or exquisite home decorations that stand out.

Apart from tangible items, unique gifts manifest in the form of shared experiences and memories, fostering a profound sense of meaning and lasting joy. Create indelible moments with your mother by attending a cooking class to master new culinary skills, savouring the magic of a concert featuring the artist you both adore, or embarking on an outdoor adventure to relish the wonders of nature.

Personalised Mother’s Day gift ideas

Celebrate this heartwarming occasion by showering your mother with personalised gifts that truly reflect the depth of your love for her. For example, contemplate crafting a distinctive photo album with images showcasing precious moments with her and captions detailing the emotional value of each snapshot. One more fantastic idea is to thoughtfully assemble a one-of-a-kind playlist featuring songs and melodies that hold deep significance for your mum; music possesses the magical ability to transport us back in time, evoking treasured memories and creating a wave of sentimental joy.

For a timeless touch, opt for customised jewellery, such as a locket featuring a cherished photo or engraved initials, or a refined ring or necklace with your mother’s birthstone. Monogrammed items such as artisanal leather goods, exquisite stationery, or elegant accessories also stand out as unique gifts.

Cute Mother’s Day gift ideas

One of the best gift ideas for Mother’s Day is presenting things that hold sentimental value, evoking memories of precious moments from your childhood: cute floral or plush teddy bears and endearing hand-made toys make for wonderful keepsakes, serving as a heartfelt reminder to your mother of the deep and affectionate love you hold for her. Additionally, preserved flowers in a box create a timeless and meaningful present, which not only symbolises your mum’s enduring grace and charm but also represents the eternal connection shared between a mother and her children.

Creative gift ideas for Mother’s Day

This Mother's Day, get creative to fill your mum's heart with sincere joy. Tap into your imagination to craft something truly unique. Convey your feelings with genuine warmth in a letter, poem, or handmade card; then elevate your creation into a timeless treasure through original framing or presentation. Another charming idea is writing heartfelt messages that express your genuine admiration and gratitude to your mother on small notes, hiding them in unexpected places for her to discover throughout the day — it will bring many smiles to her face.

Mother’s Day gift voucher ideas

Mother's Day gift voucher ideas

Whatever your mother's passion may be, a gift voucher provides a simple yet thoughtful way to express tenderness and care. Consider giving a spa day voucher, the epitome of relaxation, to provide her with the opportunity to indulge in well-deserved pampering. For the art enthusiast, a gift voucher for a personalised art workshop or a visit to a renowned art gallery could be a good choice. These vouchers make delightful surprises, offering your mother the chance to experience something special that she might not typically prioritise or treat herself to.

Last-minute Mother’s Day gift ideas

Last-minute Mother's Day gift ideas

Even if you find yourself deciding on a gift for your mum at the very last minute, fear not! There exists a wealth of good ideas to surprise and delight her. For instance, consider digital presents: purchase an e-book or audiobook of her preferred author or genre or give a subscription to a streaming service or online magazine. Another superb option is a gift card to your mother’s favourite shop, granting her the freedom to explore a wide array of options and ensuring she discovers something she genuinely adores.

With Flowwow, it’s never too late to send your mum a charming present, be it a stunning bouquet, a set of sweets, or adorable decor in London. Explore our diverse selection to find an item that ideally suits the occasion, effortlessly initiate your order through the user-friendly Flowwow app with just a few straightforward steps, and rest assured that the considerate gift you've chosen will soon bring immense joy to your mother.

Terrible Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Terrible Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Selecting the perfect gift for mum involves a delicate balance of thoughtfulness and consideration, as the wrong choice can transform a joyful occasion into an awkward experience. Gifting household appliances, such as vacuum cleaners or blenders, may not be the most mindful idea, as it could imply that a mother's value is limited to domestic chores. Another faux pas might concern presenting anti-ageing products, suggesting that youthfulness holds more importance than the wisdom and experience that come with age. Additionally, giving exercise equipment or weight loss programs could unintentionally convey the message that the recipient needs to change her appearance.


What are the 3 most common Mother's Day gifts?

Mother's Day favourites often boil down to a trinity: floral arrangements, jewellery, and gift cards or vouchers. While preferences may vary, this classic trio harmonises tradition and personal touch, ensuring a uniquely cherished celebration for every mum.

What do most mums want for Mother's Day?

Gift preferences are as diverse as the wonderful mothers themselves, each with their own unique interests and tastes. However, a present that universally resonates is heartfelt words of appreciation from both husband and kids. In a world of endless possibilities, it's the simple and sincere expressions that often become the most treasured gifts for a mother.

What is the most given gift on Mother's Day?

Across many nations, including the UK, Mother's Day presents often revolve around conveying tenderness and gratitude for mums. Some popular gifts typically include bouquets, chocolates, greeting cards, and personalised items that cater to a mother's hobbies and interests.

What sells most for Mother's Day?

In the UK, popular presents range from timeless classics to modern trends: best-selling options include traditional flower arrangements and charming jewellery, as well as captivating experiential delights like spa vouchers or special outings.

What is the best homemade gift for Mother's Day?

Creating a one-of-a-kind gift, like a from-scratch culinary masterpiece, a heartfelt card adorned with an original drawing, or a meticulously crafted custom piece of jewellery, captures the true spirit of Mother's Day through the genuine and affectionate touch you infuse into it. Whether your present is cheap or extravagant, modest or luxurious, the paramount aspect is that it was made with unconditional love.
Darya from Flowwow