How to Sell Online from Home

In the age of digital transformation, setting up a store on the Internet is affordable and profitable for everyone. Thanks to e-commerce websites like Flowwow, anyone can understand how to sell products online and turn their hobby into a thriving home business. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, a few helpful tips from Flowwow are bound to steer you towards success. Also, don’t forget to find out more about our terms and conditions.

What is Online Selling?

The concept of selling online is defined as offering one’s goods or services for purchase through the Internet. Most importantly, it’s a highly advantageous solution to the question “How to sell a product online?”.

What Are the Benefits of Selling Online?

Cheaper Startup Costs

Traditional businesses often require substantial investments. In contrast, their online counterparts have lower startup costs, meaning you can allocate resources where they matter most.

Freedom to Move (or Stay)

Knowing how to sell items online provides flexibility: operate your business from home, a personal office, or even from your favourite vacation spot! Such freedom is ideal for those who seek a remote lifestyle or simply prefer the comfort of home.

Larger Customer Reach

The internet breaks down geographical barriers, giving you access to a diverse customer base from countless countries, which is highly effective for expanding your market reach.


Online businesses are effortless to grow even in ever-changing market conditions. Once it’s time to expand, you can scale up operations effortlessly.

24/7 Selling

As a store that never closes, an online shop will stay operational even when you are asleep or resting, continuing to accumulate higher revenue and generate passive income.

Better Margins

An internet shop also allows for better profits, as operational costs are reduced, plus a broader customer base is much more easily accessible.

Sales and Shipment Tracking

Modern platforms, such as Flowwow, include integrated tools to help with sales and shipment tracking, meaning simpler and more efficient maintenance than tracking it manually.

Increasingly Prevalent Sales Channel

E-commerce is still a growing trend; with more consumers turning to online shopping every day — now is an excellent time to establish your digital presence.

How to Choose What to Sell

How to Choose What to Sell

When not sure how to sell online, consider some tips to help you decide:

Start with Your Interests and Passions

It may seem apparent, but many novice entrepreneurs forget this essential stepping stone. Finding something you are enthusiastic about can certainly make the journey more enjoyable and sustainable.

Choose the Type of Product

For planning development, consider a specific group to be sold: physical goods, products delivered digitally, or just services. This decision will play a significant role in shaping your overall strategy.

Research What Is Already Being Sold on the Web

A thorough analysis of the market trends in the present moment and consumer preferences is crucial to identifying gaps and elevating your product to become unique and differentiated among others.

Identify a Problem You Can Help Solve

By identifying the specific challenges faced by your audience, it’s easier to develop offers that directly address their needs, establishing your business as a source of helpful merchandise.

Identify Products People Are Passionate About

Many people tend to purchase items that they feel a personal connection with, so don’t hesitate to take a leap and delve into niche markets with distinctive customer groups. Because of this, the customers' interests will start working to your benefit.

Hop on Trends Early

Keeping a watchful eye on the latest developments in your field is an advantageous idea. Not only is this beneficial for adapting to the market, but it also provides intricate knowledge of market dynamics.

Find Products That Fulfill Guilty Pleasures

Most items that address people's guilty pleasures have high demand, especially due to their appeal to emotions and desires. People might be ready to buy something they have an emotional connection with, even if it is not a product they urgently need.

Spot Business Opportunities Everywhere

Last but not least, look around! Stay sharp for surrounding opportunities in your daily life, travel, and even browsing.

How to Start Selling Online

How to Start Selling Online

Now that the field of operations is chosen, the appropriate next question is, “How to sell online in the UK?” Let’s start with these tips:

Conduct Market Research

Analyse the popularity of trends and find out more about your competitors. It’s helpful to decide between catering to the local community or going broader.

Choose What Products to Sell

Select the items you would like to offer according to your market research.

Identify Your Target Audience

Go deeper into the needs and desires of your future customers, tailoring your strategy according to the information uncovered.

Conduct E-commerce Platform Research

Ideally, the right platform will become the ambassador between you and your audience. Large-scale marketplaces like Flowwow usually have the best opportunities and benefits for launching a store.

Create Product Content

Go for engaging names and descriptions and include visuals that demonstrate your product's most attractive qualities.

Promote and Market Your Store

Marketing, social media outlets, and top sites in the chosen field are unmatched locations for attracting new buyers.

Where to Sell Online

Once ready, you must consider how to sell something online in the simplest way. Here, several options are available: 

Selling via an Online Store

Create your website for a fully customised experience; however, this requires extensive technical skills and marketing knowledge.

Selling via Online Marketplaces

Cooperate with established marketplaces like Flowwow to capitalise on enhanced user experience, around-the-clock technical support, and access to an international audience.

Selling on Social Media

When it comes to Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, it’s selling directly to your followers that most store owners love; nevertheless, this requires elaborate knowledge of account marketing and development.

Selling via Joint Ventures

Collaborate with other businesses and entrepreneurs to cross-promote merchandise; if you choose this pathway, it will be imperative to present an already developed store to find the best collaborators.

Selling via Email

Create an email list to promote sales directly; this is a great approach when you already have a strong online presence.

Launch Your E-commerce Store on Flowwow

Launch Your E-commerce Store on Flowwow

Ready to establish your online presence on Flowwow? Here is a guide on how to sell online from home with us:

  1. Sign up: Create an account on Flowwow in 30 minutes by completing a short checklist.
  2. Arrange your Store: Personalise your design and add products.
  3. Wait for approval: Our moderation check takes about 1-2 days.
  4. Start managing orders! Keep track of placed orders, chat with customers, and fulfil your best ideas.

Finally, in case you have any questions about anything to do with selling on Flowwow, contact us at or via chat at

At Flowwow, we’re doing our best to ensure that managing your store is simple from the comfort of your home. With the right products, a thorough strategy, and our support, your journey into the world of e-commerce is bound to be highly rewarding.


What are the best products to sell online? 

The best products are associated with current market demand. Depending on existing trends, popular categories may include electronics, fashion, and even handmade items.

What is the best way to sell products online? 

While there’s no ultimate best way for this, the stepping stones to success involve the right platform, detailed research, compelling products, and effective marketing strategies.

Where can I sell online? 

The most famous options include a personal e-commerce website, an online marketplace, and social media.

How can I legally sell things online? 

First of all, it’s crucial to register your business and obtain any required licences. After that, be aware of when the taxes are due and comply with e-commerce regulations.

What is the best site for selling online? 

The best website depends on your needs – if it’s convenience and flexibility you’re looking for, large-scale marketplaces like Flowwow are your best option.

Do I have to pay taxes on items I sell online?

Yes, it’s generally necessary to pay taxes on anything sold over the Internet. However, specific tax requirements vary by location.

What is the most profitable thing to sell online? 

Depending on the current trends, such items could include electronics, health and wellness products, bakery goods, or even niche products.

How can I sell online for free? 

Some platforms offer free plans, but limitations are a frequent occurrence. Nevertheless, with Flowwow, you can avoid subscription fees and enjoy free listing, thus minimising the costs and enjoying profits.

How do I start selling my product from home? 

To start, find your audience, create products, set up an online store, and start the promotion! Use platforms like Flowwow to simplify the process and attract a wider audience.