It goes without a ceramic pot. Peace lilies are sturdy, easy to grow plants with glossy, dark green oval leaves that narrow to a point. The leaves rise directly from the soil. These plants also periodically produce lightly fragrant white flowers that resemble calla lilies. The long-lasting, pure white flowers will turn a pale green as they age.
Рекомендації по догляду
1)Lightly water when the top inch of soil feels dry. 2)They'll handle most light levels, but prefer indirect light. 3)If you're at a comfortable temperature, they will be too. 4)Keep your peace lily hydrated in light, steamy bathrooms and kitchens. 5)Repot in spring using houseplant compost.
in_stock_confirmed 75 хв назад
Peace lily
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 12 mans_more_4 added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 2 2bonus
Періодичність поливу
1 раз на тиж.
- Ширина - 10 см
- Висота - 40 см
It goes without a ceramic pot. Peace lilies are sturdy, easy to grow plants with glossy, dark green oval leaves that narrow to a point. The leaves rise directly from the soil. These plants also periodically produce lightly fragrant white flowers that resemble calla lilies. The long-lasting, pure white flowers will turn a pale green as they age.
Рекомендації по догляду
1)Lightly water when the top inch of soil feels dry. 2)They'll handle most light levels, but prefer indirect light. 3)If you're at a comfortable temperature, they will be too. 4)Keep your peace lily hydrated in light, steamy bathrooms and kitchens. 5)Repot in spring using houseplant compost.
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