З цим товаром шукали
Immerse yourself in the timeless elegance of our White Rose Bouquet, featuring 51 pristine white roses. Each rose symbolizes purity, grace, and everlasting love, making this bouquet a perfect choice for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion where you want to convey deep emotions. The abundance of 51 roses creates a breathtaking display that exudes sophistication and beauty. White Rose Bouquet is a luxurious and heartfelt gesture that will leave a lasting impression.
White Rose Bouquet
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Satin ribbon - 1 шт. White rose - 51 шт. design packaging - 6 шт.
- Ширина - 28 см
- Висота - 35 см
Immerse yourself in the timeless elegance of our White Rose Bouquet, featuring 51 pristine white roses. Each rose symbolizes purity, grace, and everlasting love, making this bouquet a perfect choice for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion where you want to convey deep emotions. The abundance of 51 roses creates a breathtaking display that exudes sophistication and beauty. White Rose Bouquet is a luxurious and heartfelt gesture that will leave a lasting impression.
Оцінки і відгуки
Березень 2024
Buket lutfu Gurluk
Лютий 2024
Грудень 2023
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