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  • 13 см
  • 27 см

14 -16 High Quality Pink Roses This beautiful, flower box is designed to perfection, It is designed with a hanging rope, but can also be displayed anywhere you please. The beige colour boxes have a glittery sheen. Featuring strong, high quality flowers imported from Holland. The white box is made of luxury velvet that adds a sense of refinement to your floral design. The box sizing is Length: 13.5cm Height: 27cm Please consider the flowers protrude out of the box and that colours may slightly vary based on studio photography. If you desire a custom order feel free to contact us, we are here to make your floral dreams come true!

Pink Roses Hanging Flower Box - Beige

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  • 4 людини додали товар до власної добірки
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pink frill rose - 14 шт.


  • Ширина - 13 см
  • Висота - 27 см

14 -16 High Quality Pink Roses This beautiful, flower box is designed to perfection, It is designed with a hanging rope, but can also be displayed anywhere you please. The beige colour boxes have a glittery sheen. Featuring strong, high quality flowers imported from Holland. The white box is made of luxury velvet that adds a sense of refinement to your floral design. The box sizing is Length: 13.5cm Height: 27cm Please consider the flowers protrude out of the box and that colours may slightly vary based on studio photography. If you desire a custom order feel free to contact us, we are here to make your floral dreams come true!

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Zoe Florals

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