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  • 76 см
  • 127 см

Do not forget that the flowers require some care. *Do not place the bouquet ❌- near fruits and vegetables, as they release ethylene, which is harmful to the flowers; ❌- exposed to direct sunlight; ❌- in a draft; ❌- near heat sources. Change the water regularly and trim the stems at a 45° angle with a pair of pruning shears. Choose a vase corresponding to the size of the Bouquet as flowers like a lot of water) 🌺 Following the rules, the flowers in the Bouquet will please you as long as possible).

Pink carnations and eucalyptus mono bouquet

  • , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки
  • Отримаєте 0.72 бонусів


Eucalyptus - 1 шт. packaging - 1 шт. carnation - 12 шт.


  • Ширина - 30 дюйм
  • Висота - 50 дюйм

Do not forget that the flowers require some care. *Do not place the bouquet ❌- near fruits and vegetables, as they release ethylene, which is harmful to the flowers; ❌- exposed to direct sunlight; ❌- in a draft; ❌- near heat sources. Change the water regularly and trim the stems at a 45° angle with a pair of pruning shears. Choose a vase corresponding to the size of the Bouquet as flowers like a lot of water) 🌺 Following the rules, the flowers in the Bouquet will please you as long as possible).

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Enigmas Flower

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