This flower bouquet is a mixture of red and light pink roses combined with eucalyptus. Little story time: A rose's symbolism varies by the color of the rose and how many roses are given. Red roses symbolize love and romance and are the perfect Valentine's Day rose. Pink roses symbolize gratitude, grace, admiration, and joy. Imagine combining them together.
My Forever Love
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Red rose - 10 шт. Eucalyptus - 5 шт. Pink rose - 10 шт. packaging - 1 шт.
This flower bouquet is a mixture of red and light pink roses combined with eucalyptus. Little story time: A rose's symbolism varies by the color of the rose and how many roses are given. Red roses symbolize love and romance and are the perfect Valentine's Day rose. Pink roses symbolize gratitude, grace, admiration, and joy. Imagine combining them together.
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Caterine Doan Tran
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