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  • 30 см
  • 50 см

We present to your attention the authors bouquet, which harmoniously combines the refined notes of exotics and classics. This floral masterpiece embodies natural beauty and sophistication, including 2 branches of fresh eucalyptus, 2 inflorescences of grandiose hydrangeas, 5 pods of elegant calla lilies, 3 stems of fragrant mattiola and 5 luxurious roses. A new combination of classical and avant-garde will give the owner of this bouquet a unique feeling.

Florist s bouquet

7 оцінок про товар
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  • 2 людини додали товар до власної добірки
  • Отримаєте 4.8 бонусів


Eucalyptus - 2 шт. Hydrangea - 2 шт. calla - 5 шт. matthiola - 3 шт. roses - 5 шт.


  • Ширина - 30 см
  • Висота - 50 см

We present to your attention the authors bouquet, which harmoniously combines the refined notes of exotics and classics. This floral masterpiece embodies natural beauty and sophistication, including 2 branches of fresh eucalyptus, 2 inflorescences of grandiose hydrangeas, 5 pods of elegant calla lilies, 3 stems of fragrant mattiola and 5 luxurious roses. A new combination of classical and avant-garde will give the owner of this bouquet a unique feeling.

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Julien luxury flowers

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Серпень 2024

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Thao Phuong

Жовтень 2024

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    5 /5

  • Відповідність

    5 /5

Goo service, beautiful flower

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