This luxury and style of the bouquet isn’t unique, but the way we do it is perfect. Each rose is at the same level of height as the other one. The same color. The same smell. All arranged in an accurate order, and this technique makes this bouquet truly unique and perfect! Еach order comes with an aqua bag and flower food Please care for your flowers by cutting off stems with a sharp knife or scissors. By placing them in deep water prior to arranging in a clean container, having removed any foliage which would be below water level. Avoid putting flowers in direct sunlight, draughts or hot locations. Always use flower food provided. Roses: as above. If the roses wilt, re-cut and plunge stems in 2” of boiling after for 1 minute then plunge into deep water. Flower arrangement: add some water daily to the foam of the arrangement
in_stock_confirmed 5 хв назад
100 red roses
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 36.9 5bonus
Red rose - 100 шт. Tape - 2 шт. paper kraft - 5 шт.
- Ширина - 70 см
- Висота - 55 см
This luxury and style of the bouquet isn’t unique, but the way we do it is perfect. Each rose is at the same level of height as the other one. The same color. The same smell. All arranged in an accurate order, and this technique makes this bouquet truly unique and perfect! Еach order comes with an aqua bag and flower food Please care for your flowers by cutting off stems with a sharp knife or scissors. By placing them in deep water prior to arranging in a clean container, having removed any foliage which would be below water level. Avoid putting flowers in direct sunlight, draughts or hot locations. Always use flower food provided. Roses: as above. If the roses wilt, re-cut and plunge stems in 2” of boiling after for 1 minute then plunge into deep water. Flower arrangement: add some water daily to the foam of the arrangement
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