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  • 9 см
  • 10 см

Orange, cinnamon, and clove A warm, spicy, zesty blend of Valencia orange, cinnamon, red apple, and clove. This is our interpretation of the fragrance of the Valencian orange harvest that takes place throughout winter, with added hints of nostalgia from the English Christmases of our childhoods. This is one to come home to after a crisp, crunchy, winter walk – cheering, cosy and comforting. A perennial favourite. Min 40 hours burn

La Montana - Winter Oranges scented candle - 220gm

  • , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки


Натуральний віск Кришка з матового скла і нержавіючої сталі


  • Ширина - 9 см
  • Висота - 10 см

Orange, cinnamon, and clove A warm, spicy, zesty blend of Valencia orange, cinnamon, red apple, and clove. This is our interpretation of the fragrance of the Valencian orange harvest that takes place throughout winter, with added hints of nostalgia from the English Christmases of our childhoods. This is one to come home to after a crisp, crunchy, winter walk – cheering, cosy and comforting. A perennial favourite. Min 40 hours burn

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