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  • 9 см
  • 10 см

Raisin liqueur with spices Mistela is a Valencian dessert wine usually served at family celebrations, or when lingering after a good meal; it’s a festive blend of raisins and exotic spices often served with a curl of orange peel, or even a coffee bean… The fragrance is distinctive and original yet at the same time warm and familiar. And utterly more-ish. Min. 40 hours burn

La Montana - Mistela scented candle

  • , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки


Натуральний віск Кришка з матового скла і нержавіючої сталі


  • Ширина - 9 см
  • Висота - 10 см

Raisin liqueur with spices Mistela is a Valencian dessert wine usually served at family celebrations, or when lingering after a good meal; it’s a festive blend of raisins and exotic spices often served with a curl of orange peel, or even a coffee bean… The fragrance is distinctive and original yet at the same time warm and familiar. And utterly more-ish. Min. 40 hours burn

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