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  • 9 см
  • 10 см

Night scented jasmine Intoxicating night-scented jasmine, with tantalising hints of rose, orange flower, and ylang ylang. Everyone has a jasmine memory and this is ours: a long-ago, midnight walk home through Spanish streets, charmed by the hypnotic allure of night-scented jasmine, whose divine flowers open only after dark and in late summer. Of all the jasmines we’ve planted, our galán de noche is both the most exotic and the most personal – naturally this was going to be one of La Montaña’s original three fragrances. Mesmerising! Min. 40 hours burn

La Montana - Galan de Noche scented candle - 220gm

  • , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки


Натуральний віск Кришка з матового скла і нержавіючої сталі


  • Ширина - 9 см
  • Висота - 10 см

Night scented jasmine Intoxicating night-scented jasmine, with tantalising hints of rose, orange flower, and ylang ylang. Everyone has a jasmine memory and this is ours: a long-ago, midnight walk home through Spanish streets, charmed by the hypnotic allure of night-scented jasmine, whose divine flowers open only after dark and in late summer. Of all the jasmines we’ve planted, our galán de noche is both the most exotic and the most personal – naturally this was going to be one of La Montaña’s original three fragrances. Mesmerising! Min. 40 hours burn

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