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  • 200 см
  • 3 см

Dough: glutinous rice flour, water, sugar, cornstarch, vegetable oil, food coloring. Fillings are based on: Soft cheese, mascarpone, double cream , sugar, invert sugar, chocolate, fruit or berry purees, pectin, nuts and other ingredients depending on the taste of the filling. the weight of one mochi is from 50 to 70 g, depending on the filling Please specify allergies when ordering

Наявність підтверджено 35 хв назад

Mochi. Assorted 6 pcs

  • , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки


Mochi is the most trendy, light and delicious Japanese dessert, gluten-free and egg-free. Assorted mochi 6pcs set The box is assembled from an assortment of flavors available. There are always 6 mochi flavors available. Please specify allergies when ordering


  • Ширина - 200 см
  • Висота - 3 см

Вага товару

450 гр.

Dough: glutinous rice flour, water, sugar, cornstarch, vegetable oil, food coloring. Fillings are based on: Soft cheese, mascarpone, double cream , sugar, invert sugar, chocolate, fruit or berry purees, pectin, nuts and other ingredients depending on the taste of the filling. the weight of one mochi is from 50 to 70 g, depending on the filling Please specify allergies when ordering

5 з 5 рейтинг товарів

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