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A small delicious cake, designed for 2-3 people, which is sure to please you. Inside there are chocolate cakes with the most delicate salted caramel and peanuts, all complemented with peanut cream.☺️ Any decor options are possible, please indicate in the comments.

Наявність підтверджено 2 г 35 хв назад

Bento cake decorated with icing print

  • , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки


Butter, sugar, eggs, kefir, cocoa powder, self raising flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder, water, double cream, salt, peanuts, peanut butter, milk, cream cheese, caramel

Вага товару

600 гр.

A small delicious cake, designed for 2-3 people, which is sure to please you. Inside there are chocolate cakes with the most delicate salted caramel and peanuts, all complemented with peanut cream.☺️ Any decor options are possible, please indicate in the comments.

5 з 5 рейтинг товарів

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