С этим товаром искали
Experience the beauty of nature with this carefully curated Florists Special, featuring 3 vibrant Gerberas, 7 lovely Tulips, and 12 radiant Roses in unique hues of yellow and orange. This stunning bouquet is artfully arranged and beautifully accentuated with an ample supply of lush greenery and 8 pieces of elegant packaging, demonstrating exquisite craftsmanship and a keen eye for detail. Perfect for infusing any space with colorful cheer or conveying sincere emotions to a special someone.
Mother s Day Spring Bouquet
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- Получите 1.44 бонусов
Gerbera - 3 шт. Tulip - 7 шт. greenary and packaging - 8 шт. roses orange - 6 шт. roses yellow - 6 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Высота - 30 см
Enigmas flower
Experience the beauty of nature with this carefully curated Florists Special, featuring 3 vibrant Gerberas, 7 lovely Tulips, and 12 radiant Roses in unique hues of yellow and orange. This stunning bouquet is artfully arranged and beautifully accentuated with an ample supply of lush greenery and 8 pieces of elegant packaging, demonstrating exquisite craftsmanship and a keen eye for detail. Perfect for infusing any space with colorful cheer or conveying sincere emotions to a special someone.
140 оценок • 132 покупки
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