This summery bouquet will make you or your loved one feel amazing with its vibrant yellow sunflower and fragrant chrysanthemums and roses! Еach order comes with an aqua bag and flower food Please care for your flowers by cutting off stems with a sharp knife or scissors. By placing them in deep water prior to arranging in a clean container, having removed any foliage which would be below water level. Avoid putting flowers in direct sunlight, draughts or hot locations. Always use flower food provided.
in_stock_confirmed 85 min fa
Sunflower Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 65 mans_more_4 added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 4.14 5bonus
Greenery - 4 pz Spray rose - 2 pz Chrysanthemum - 1 pz packaging - 1 pz sunflower yellow - 1 pz lissi - 1 pz
- Larghezza - 40 pollice
- Altezza - 50 pollice
This summery bouquet will make you or your loved one feel amazing with its vibrant yellow sunflower and fragrant chrysanthemums and roses! Еach order comes with an aqua bag and flower food Please care for your flowers by cutting off stems with a sharp knife or scissors. By placing them in deep water prior to arranging in a clean container, having removed any foliage which would be below water level. Avoid putting flowers in direct sunlight, draughts or hot locations. Always use flower food provided.
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