Introducing our delightful "Sweet Surprise" bouquet - a charming combination of beautiful orange roses and soft pink lisianthus. This bouquet is the perfect way to surprise someone special and show them how much you care. Our expert florists carefully select each stem and artfully arrange them to create a unique and stunning bouquet that will leave a lasting impression. The vibrant orange roses symbolize passion and enthusiasm, while the delicate pink lisianthus represents appreciation and gratitude. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just want to send a sweet surprise, the "Sweet Surprise" bouquet is the perfect choice. Order now and let us help you make their day extra special with the gift of natural beauty!

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Sweet Surprise

239 Valutazioni totali
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  • 2 persone hanno aggiunto questo prodotto alle loro collezioni
  • Riceverai 1.44 bonus


Ribbon - 1 pz packaging - 1 pz rose orange - 6 pz pink lisianthus - 5 pz

Introducing our delightful "Sweet Surprise" bouquet - a charming combination of beautiful orange roses and soft pink lisianthus. This bouquet is the perfect way to surprise someone special and show them how much you care. Our expert florists carefully select each stem and artfully arrange them to create a unique and stunning bouquet that will leave a lasting impression. The vibrant orange roses symbolize passion and enthusiasm, while the delicate pink lisianthus represents appreciation and gratitude. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just want to send a sweet surprise, the "Sweet Surprise" bouquet is the perfect choice. Order now and let us help you make their day extra special with the gift of natural beauty!

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F for Flower

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239 valutazioni 190 acquisti

Valutazioni e recensioni


Ottobre 2024

  • Servizio di negozio

    5 /5

  • Qualità-prezzo

    5 /5

  • Consegna

    5 /5

  • Come pubblicizzato

    5 /5

foto del prodotto

Отличный магазин. Доставили прекрасный букет с милой открыткой. Цветы свежие, красиво упакованы. Рекомендую.


Marzo 2025

  • Consegna

    1 /5


Febbraio 2025

  • Servizio di negozio

    3 /5

  • Qualità-prezzo

    4 /5

  • Consegna

    2 /5

  • Come pubblicizzato

    4 /5


Febbraio 2025

  • Servizio di negozio

    5 /5

  • Qualità-prezzo

    5 /5

  • Consegna

    3 /5

  • Come pubblicizzato

    5 /5


Febbraio 2025

  • Servizio di negozio

    4 /5

The bouquet was good, thank you! Just one thing about the photo before delivery. I expected that it would be the photo of the bouquet in a shop, before handover to a courier. Not the entrance door photo :) Just to check if the bouquet matches the flowwow product page photo.

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