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Discover the enchanting beauty of the Pink and White Harmony bouquet, a harmonious blend of delicate pink and white flowers. Featuring soft pink dianthus, elegant white chrysanthemums, and charming pink roses, this bouquet is a celebration of grace and sweetness. Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or simply brightening someones day, the Pink and White Harmony bouquet is an exquisite choice for any occasion. Each flower is carefully selected and artfully arranged to create a stunning display that will leave a lasting impression. Gift the Pink and White Harmony bouquet to convey your heartfelt sentiments with a touch of elegance and charm. Whether its a birthday, anniversary, or just because, this bouquet will surely bring joy and warmth to the recipient.
Pink and White Harmony
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Satin ribbon - 2 pcs Spray rose - 2 pcs Alstroemeria - 1 pcs Pink rose - 3 pcs Pistachio - 1 pcs dianthus pink - 3 pcs design packaging - 2 pcs bush chrysanthemum - 1 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 45 cm
Discover the enchanting beauty of the Pink and White Harmony bouquet, a harmonious blend of delicate pink and white flowers. Featuring soft pink dianthus, elegant white chrysanthemums, and charming pink roses, this bouquet is a celebration of grace and sweetness. Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or simply brightening someones day, the Pink and White Harmony bouquet is an exquisite choice for any occasion. Each flower is carefully selected and artfully arranged to create a stunning display that will leave a lasting impression. Gift the Pink and White Harmony bouquet to convey your heartfelt sentiments with a touch of elegance and charm. Whether its a birthday, anniversary, or just because, this bouquet will surely bring joy and warmth to the recipient.
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September 2024
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