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Introducing the Pastel Harmony bouquet, a delightful blend of pink carnations and lavender hydrangeas. This enchanting arrangement brings together the charm of pink and soothing lavender, creating a bouquet that exudes grace and elegance. Pink carnations symbolize admiration and love, while lavender hydrangeas represent grace and beauty. Together, they create a harmonious and visually stunning display, perfect for any special occasion. Expertly crafted and beautifully wrapped, the Pastel Harmony bouquet is a thoughtful gift that will captivate and delight.
Pastel Harmony
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carnation pink - 11 pcs design packaging - 3 pcs lavender hydrangea - 3 pcs
- Width - 36 cm
- Height - 45 cm
Introducing the Pastel Harmony bouquet, a delightful blend of pink carnations and lavender hydrangeas. This enchanting arrangement brings together the charm of pink and soothing lavender, creating a bouquet that exudes grace and elegance. Pink carnations symbolize admiration and love, while lavender hydrangeas represent grace and beauty. Together, they create a harmonious and visually stunning display, perfect for any special occasion. Expertly crafted and beautifully wrapped, the Pastel Harmony bouquet is a thoughtful gift that will captivate and delight.
Ratings and reviews
January 2025
Gorgeous bouquet as pictured and very fresh flowers. Respect and recommend
January 2025
Highly reliable service
January 2025
December 2024
December 2024
Красивый свежий букет. Доставили вовремя. Спасибо!
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